




时间复杂度:O(m * n)

空间复杂度:O(m * n)







5. The Advisory Committee notes from paragraph 9 of the statement submitted by the Secretary-General that the conference-servicing requirements for the biennial meeting of States referred to in paragraph 2 above are estimated at $362,600, and that the conference-servicing requirements for three sessions of the group of governmental experts referred to in paragraph 3 above are estimated at $715,100. Since provision for conference services was made under the relevant sections of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003, no additional appropriation would be required for conference-servicing costs.
6. Related resource requirements would comprise two new posts (one P-4 and one General Service), five work-weeks of consultancy services and resources for the travel of up to 20 experts. The total estimated cost of these additional requirements would amount to $559,800, as follows: $456,100 under section 4, Disarmament; $59,900 under section 27 D, Office of Central Support Services; and $43,800 under section 32, Staff assessment, offset by an equivalent amount under income section 1, Income from staff assessment (A/C.5/56/13, para. 16).


5. 咨询委员会从秘书长的说明第 9 段注意到,上文第 2 段所述两年一度国际会
议所需会议事务费用估计为 362 600 美元,上文第 3 段所述政府专家组三届会议
所需会议事务费用估计为 715 100 美元。由于 2002-2003 两年期方案概算有关各
6. 所需有关资源将用于新设两个员额(一个 P-4 和一个一般事务员额)、咨询事
务五个工作周以及至多 20 名专家的旅费。这些所需的额外经费总额估计为 559 800
美元,细目如下:第 4 款(裁军)456 100 美元;第 27 D 款(中央支助事务厅)59 900
美元;第 32 款(工作人员薪金税)43 800 美元,但为收入第 1 款(工作人员薪金税
收入)的同等数额所抵消(A/C.5/56/L.13,第 16 段)。


5.咨询委员会从秘书长提交的说明第9段注意到,上文第2段提及的两年期国家会议所需会议事务估计为362 600美元,上文第3段提及的政府专家组三届会议所需会议服务估计为715100美元。由于会议事务经费是在2002-2003两年期拟议方案预算的有关款次下编列的,因此不需要为会议事务费用追加批款。
6.所需有关资源将包括两个新员额(一个P-4和一个一般事务人员)、五个工作周的咨询服务和最多20名专家的旅费。这些额外所需经费的估计费用总额为559 800美元,如下:第4款(裁军)项下的456 100美元$第27 D款(中央支助事务厅)项下59900美元;第32款(工作人员薪金税)项下43800美元,由收入第1款(工作工作人员薪金税后收入)项下的相等数额抵销(A/C.5/56/13,第16段)。



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